The Clock Stops Here...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Strike a Pose: Top Tips from a Pro

Cece's 30th Birthday Party (Second from Left)
Naki with Cece and Michele in "Diva" pose

My adorable colleague CeCe turned 30 on Saturday.  Happy Birthday CeCe! Naturally we had to celebrate with her too and we took her out for cocktails last week.  As per usual, lot of pictures were taken.  One that made us all laugh was that of my boss Michele and CeCe the "Diva".  Judging from the the howls, mine included, I'm a poser and they nailed it!!!  

The next day, I received a great post on Beauty Editor, one of the websites I subscribe to.  Dallas Curow, a photographer and makeup artist, bravely put together  tutorial of do' and don'ts for taking the perfect picture. 
I thought it was both informative and entertaining so I wanted to share it with my readers and of course, CeCe and Michele.  Here is the link:


Take notes...and practice!!!






And don't forget to practice...


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